About Pastor Marc (Continued)

Marc had also served on Conference staff in the South Dakota Conference for 12 years while living in Rapid City, South Dakoka.  In addition to ministering in Belfast, Marc has also ministered in Hampton, Virginia, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Alexandria, Virginia.  Marc and Cheryl have walked "El Camino de Santiago" twice in recent years and deeply believe and honor living faithfully with others whatever comes along the way of life. 

 About Pastor Cheryl (continued)

I have served as co-pastor, interim pastor, Christian education director, youth pastor. I have also worked as a stay-at-home mom, a Spanish teacher, an ESL teacher, a business writing professor, and most recently, as a small business owner selling pie, pasties, zucchini relish, granola, and jam at farmer’s markets and events. I am excited to be back sharing ministry with Marc and the saints of this church.

I get excited about encountering the Holy One in many settings:

  • In worship, in prayer, in Bible reading and study

  • In holy conversations

  • In nature while hiking, camping, attending retreats and camps

  • While having fun and playing, especially with children and youth

Many issues plague our world; yet, none trouble me as much as climate change. How can we help heal the earth before it is too late? How can we motivate leaders around the world to help lead the movement?

I look forward to getting to know you, and finding out your history, concerns, joys, and gifts.